Thursday, September 10, 2009

Like the silent tree falling in the forest.... food actually has no calories if no one sees you eating it

So this is the beginning of my blogging career...

Not sure if my brain will follow with this line of thinking BUT I figure if I am willing to tell the world (or the three people who will perhaps read it) that I am fighting the fat, then perhaps I am actually going to follow this one through...

My whole life I have been the pretty girl who is overweight (just for the record that "compliment" is not in fact a compliment). It's like hearing someone saying "shame that little kid is drawing all over the wall and kicking that person in the shins because he really is cute". So it's time I changed this and become just the pretty, healthy, fit girl (well hopefully). So I am currently in an all out war with alcohol, chocolate, chips, ice cream, pastry, full cream milk, white bread, pasta, rice oh god the list goes on. One day we shall be friends again (or maybe frenemies) but for now I hate them like a 17 year old girl who just found out her best friend kissed her boyfriend. No doubt they will make an appearance my life again but I will never forget what they did to me...

In my attempt to lose this weight I have started paying for a personal trainer once a week. So as much as I know that he is there to help sometimes I just want to throttle him and while he has me doing ridiculous yoga positions, whilst holding my abs in and still trying to breathe, I am thinking about trying to figure out which car is his so I can slash his tyres and key his car. He is forcing my abs to come out of hiding, I tried to explain to him that they are quite happy hiding behind baggy shirts and self pity but surprise surprise he didn't listen. He is the man I love to hate.

I will leave it there for today...

"Inside some of us is a thin person struggling to get out, but they can usually be sedated with a few pieces of chocolate cake."


  1. Hi Tess,
    I saw your post on the WW boards, and I thought I would come take a look.

    I love you writing style, you had me giggling like your 17 friend who watched the fight you and your bestie had over Mr Loser. :)

    Good luck on your journey, I love reading blogs, so if you are happy to keep me, I'll linger, poke, prod and encourage you all the way.


    (in the interest of fairness, I have a blog too, but it has been woefully neglected for several years. it is

  2. Thanks Rae...I figure the more things I have to distract myself from eating milo directly from the tin is a good thing...=)

  3. Definitely! My spoonfed poison of choice is nutella. I think that might even be worse! :)
