Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Getting fat and squishy watermelons….

So after much neglect I am returning to my little blog world. Current population? Well just me…

Just going to give a little rundown on what has been happening for me over the last few months. So just a little a note for my fellow "fat fighting" peeps…getting pregnant is not a good idea for winning this battle. Yes yes that’s right I fell pregnant, much to me and my personal trainer's dismay (though I don't know what he was complaining about, he still got paid even though I didn't go)

Me.Oh.My finding out was such a joyous time (insert four year old sarcastic tone here). Let me just set a little scene for you. It was a normal Tuesday in November, where for some crazy reason I felt like vomiting and passing out, now I was just blaming this on the rather large few weekends I had had and thought it was a prolonged hangover but alas I was wrong. Turns out, after rushing to the chemist (after a rather pushy, yet amazing much loved, friend forced me) purchased the most expensive pregnancy test on the shelf, and performing the il-fated test…I was pregnant. I think I cried, then laughed then cried some more. I was like one of those crazy ladies in a mental asylum that laughs at funerals and cries on birthdays. It was not pretty.

So after four more home tests and a trip to the doctor it was definitely confirmed. I was growing a human inside my already "too large" stomach.

Now over the last few weeks (I was 5 weeks when we found out and I am now nearly 19 weeks) it has been nothing short of a roller coaster. We have moved into a ridiculous apartment with four flights of stairs, so we are on the house hunting bandwagon yet again and oh what fun that is. I have had disgusting morning/morning tea/lunch/afternoon tea/dinner sickness which feels like I have had many weeks of drinking copious amounts of alcohol, getting home at 4am and still not being able to throw up. It truly is a wonderful feeling and I cannot wait to put myself through this again...oh and I have turned into a really grumpy grandma that makes the crazy cat lady from the simpsons look normal.

Now don't get me wrong creating a family is amazing but being pregnant is NOT.

On the upside there is all the mushy stuff like seeing your little peanut in the first ultrasound, feeling the first movement and having my wonderful boyfriend dote on me night and day.

Now I know that this blog is about losing weight but really how much more interesting will it be for my readers (i.e. me reading back over what I have written ten times), if it is about GETTING fat, squeezing a rather long squishy watermelon out of my lady lumps, being sleep deprived and YET still being determined to be fit, healthy and beautiful???

Not to mention I can only vent so much on Facebook before people start deleting me…

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