Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The scariest thing you will ever see...

Getting back onto the weightloss bandwagon is hardwork dagnammit...I have been "dieting" since the beginning of this month and only today did I have my first piece of chocolate in three weeks (a 50% less fat mint pattie...exciting much?) I practically inhaled it, it disappeared faster than the speed of light and I could have eaten another 5...Its amazing how addicted one can become to chocolate or even food in general.

Last week I was a nutcase, nagging and bitching and just being a general pain in the arse...even while I was doing it (or saying it), I was thinking to myself "SHUT UP Tess!!!! No one cares if the cutlery is left on the sink and not in the cup to drain, no one cares the towels weren't hung out evenly, no one cares that there is water on the bathroom sink"...but I just couldn't stop! So after Pete told to me "calm the F down" and stormed out of the room and I cried a few "woe is me" tears I realised why I was being such a crazy pain the royal arse....

I was having withdrawals from chocolate and sugar...once I realised, it made SO much sense!

Before my "diet" (no wait lets call it "healthy lifestyle change") I was a true chocolate freak! I could smell chocolate before it even made it through the front door in the grocery bags, I was like an over eager puppy, luckily I am very well toilet trained and dont pee on the floor when I get excited. I would eat 5 mint slices in one go, plus hot chocolates, plus tim tams plus plus PLUS...it was insane and disgusting.

So note to self: Should I ever have to plan wedding, dieting and NOT eating chocolate is forbidden, god its even too scary to imagine...

Oh and diet tip #1: Use the microwave door as a mirror, unforgiving bathroom mirrors no longer needed...

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